Saturday, 27 October 2018

Essay - Tutorial

I was assigned Dominique as my COP tutor and a timetable was sent out so that we can ensure to stay on top of it all. 

The tutorial was really useful as it made me realise that the research so far was exploring much wider than my question and a direction needed to be finalised in order to complete the essay. It seemed as though I wanted to explore the gender gap within the creative industry and then also look at the editorial influence, but this would be two separate routes of exploration. In order to progress with a detailed essay plan and the idea of a practical project, I need to identify the 'change' that has happened with editorial design over the years. The past needs to be looked at so that a clear change can be analysed now to see if the gender gap is being portrayed based on design decisions rather than just the women designing. 

- use the weekend to plan a skeleton of the essay e.g. what to include and research 
- ask yourself, what do you want to find out?

Upon reflection, I need to focus my research more towards the gender representation within the editorial design industry. This will help me more towards the content of my essay than what I am currently researching. 

Cop3 Presentation

Reading over summer lead me to the decision that the idea of focusing on motion graphics was something that would not be suitable for me to continue with as I was finding it hard to engage with the topic and also I did not feel confident enough to produce my own motion graphics in the time that I had. 

I spent a lot of time brainstorming and researching into the different options that I could choose as a focus. I started to think about culture and how this is something that very definitely informs my practice as a designer. I thought about the ways in which culture has affected graphic design techniques, or the ways in which graphic design could influence cultural beliefs. 

I then started to think about the essays that I have completed in the past to see if there were any topics within them that I enjoyed and would like to dig a little deeper into. 

Personal tutorial feedback
I went to my personal tutorial with the intention of focusing more on the use of typography within an editorial design approach to show what makes a magazine independent as opposed to mainstream. This was discussed with my tutor and it became apparent that this topic would be too broad and in terms of independent magazines, they wouldn't be able to be compared to mainstream ones as there would be too much content to cover. An independent magazine is based on a niche interest of someone, so in order to focus on them in terms of a graphic outcome, I would need to decide on a more specific topic in which they would be used. 

I started to research a lot but instead of looking aimlessly I decided to address a current issue within the creative industry, the gender gap that still exists. This links to the idea of female portrayal that I had originally sown interest in but it is then making it a more relevant and current topic to be covered. 

Final question

The gender gap in the creative industry and how editorial publications have addressed this issue.

Presentation feedback
To fully tie in the practical project to the essay topic I would need to move away from branding an exhibition as this would not have enough of an editorial focus. A zine or magazine would be the most appropriate form, with the content focusing on helping those about to start a career as a creative woman. The content would be built up from interviews and real experiences, hopefully encouraging and positive ones that women could learn from. It may also be interesting to get some males perspectives also, to ensure that women do not feel as though they will not be as valued by male team members. 

There was a study about how women will only apply to a job if they feel as though they fitted at least 90% of job criteria whereas men would apply if they only see themselves fitting a much lower 

Imposter syndrome - challenging preconceived ideas 
“My theory about why it’s common among designers is that our jobs are poorly understood and defined, leading to scepticism about the validity of our work.” - Amy Silvers

Queer theory in terms of design may break down binaries
Queer theory is a field of critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of queer studies and women's studies. 
The queer theory builds both upon feminist challenges to the idea that gender is part of the essential self

Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 

Binary situations changing?

A binary outcome is a general term that implies there are only two possible outcomes to a certain situation.

I found the presentation a good way for myself to simplify what I had already read and make sure that I was along the right tracks. It was also very helpful to find out that others were looking at similar subjects and would be willing to discuss some ideas. 

Next Steps
To progress, I will need to decide on the theories that I want to explore, find design examples within the editorial realm and then analysis and compare all of the information. I will start by finding lots of facts about the gender gap within the industry before then trying to apply different theories and pieces of history to this.  

Cop3 - Briefing

Submission: 18th December 2018

Independent critical understanding - take all avenues, perspectives and possibilities into account.

The synthesis between the theoretical and practical contexts - reading and writing into practice practically

Primary + secondary sources and how you use it - apply theoretical studies to the findings

Research for the practical project - theory but making sense of it in a graphical way, looking at existing graphic design work and analysing it.

Organise, self-directed studies and communicate outcomes

  • cop presentations 
  • crits- analyse changes made
  • timetables
  • primary research
  • questions
  • initial ideas and experimenting 

This module needs to link to later projects this year so that the overall portfolio is consistent. 
  • editorial
  • women in design 
  • current issues
  • ethics consideration
  • 5000 word essay + bound (Part 1)
  • Practical work + x6 design boards (Part 2)
  • Blog
  • Project statement (Part 3)



Development of argument
  • theories
  • audiences
  • editorial analysis

- Google Scholar will show you how others have also used that particular piece of writing 
- start practical work as the crits will begin shortly
- 90% planning, 10% writing
- examine, explore and argue (make connections and be explicit)
- exploration, innovation and experimentation