Thursday 18 January 2018

Critical Writing: Study task 03

Postmodernism is a lat 20th century style and concepts in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which repreents a departure from modrnism and is characterised by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of diferent artisitic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.

Pastichean artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period

Modernism and postmodernism from a Marxist perspective

The producers of culture have nowhere to turn to other than the past: the imitation of dead styles

Simulacrum - there is a real thing in the first instance and then you have the first representation of tht thing and then the representation of the representation.

Culture has come so far now, images and language are no longer originals. It is just representation after representations. Guy Debord and the idea of spectacle 
'the culture of the simulacrum comes to life in a society where exchange value has been generalised to the point at which the very memory of use value is effaced, a society of which Guy Debord has observed'.

Representation - how we communicate visually
Parody - form of representaion of the past as a mode of communication
Pastiche - negative opinion on pastiche as a mode of communication
Nostalgia - representation of the past is not in anyway accurate, based on stereatypes of what we interpret that time to be in order to convey the time period
Cultural production - images, text, film, music etc. become embedded within capitalist production and are subject to exchange value but by doing that it disables the actual value of these things. The value is embedded in capitalist production rather than the artefact itself.   

nostalgia films 
these films do not accurately represent the time period 
glamourises the times and the situations
- american graffiti
- rumble fish
- stranger things

Uses of pastiche in graphic design: 

Stranger & Stranger
- hand lettering 

hand lettering
art deco

Jonathan Barnbrook: Barnbrook Bible

- postmodernist typeface

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