Saturday 27 October 2018

Essay - Tutorial

I was assigned Dominique as my COP tutor and a timetable was sent out so that we can ensure to stay on top of it all. 

The tutorial was really useful as it made me realise that the research so far was exploring much wider than my question and a direction needed to be finalised in order to complete the essay. It seemed as though I wanted to explore the gender gap within the creative industry and then also look at the editorial influence, but this would be two separate routes of exploration. In order to progress with a detailed essay plan and the idea of a practical project, I need to identify the 'change' that has happened with editorial design over the years. The past needs to be looked at so that a clear change can be analysed now to see if the gender gap is being portrayed based on design decisions rather than just the women designing. 

- use the weekend to plan a skeleton of the essay e.g. what to include and research 
- ask yourself, what do you want to find out?

Upon reflection, I need to focus my research more towards the gender representation within the editorial design industry. This will help me more towards the content of my essay than what I am currently researching. 

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