Tuesday 18 December 2018

Magazine - Final

The magazine celebrates the work of designers who have produced socially driven design outcomes and in responds to the idea of content driven design. In order to remove any gender associations within design that may influence the gender inequality, the magazine does not reveal the designers name until the back page. This allows for all attention to be on the actual work and designing in response to the content rather than following a uniformed design system has allowed for any associations to gender to be removed. The final outcome was informed by a lot of research so as a result will engage the intended target audience and work on removing all attention away from the gender gap and work to remove the inequality. In order to develop this project further, more time for experimentation into the ways in which all gender associations could be removed as there are still small hints of it within the magazine.

Magazine - Photography

Once I had received my printed outcome in order to ensure that I had recorded the final outcome in a professional manner I decided to book out a photography studio within the university, to take photos using a curve and DSLR camera, and professional standard lighting. I then took the photos and edited them in Adobe Lightroom because they came out a little dark. 

Magazine - Design Boards

Essay - Library loans

These were the initial books that I took out form the library so that I could start to really ready around the subject in terms of design rather than the gender inequality itself.

Title: The theory of advertising: a simple exposition of the principles of psychology. 
Author: Scott, William Dill 
Classification: 659.101 SCO 
Barcode: R67798N0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: So you want to publish a magazine? 
Author: Lewis, Angharad - 1 
Classification: 659.101 LEW 
Barcode: R95429W0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Advertising is dead, long live advertising. 
Author: Himpe, Tom 
Classification: 659.1 HIM 
Barcode: R69527W0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Just my type: a book about fonts. 
Author: Garfield, Simon - 5 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R77339W0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: The type taster: how fonts influence you. 
Author: Hyndman, Sarah 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R85199A0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Type matters! 
Author: Williams, Jim 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R75278W0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Typography sketchbooks. 
Author: Talarico, Lita; Heller, Steven 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R78030W0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Getting it right with type. 
Author: Willberg, Hans Peter; Forssman, Friedrich; Squire, Victoria 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R51969X0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Title: Thinking with type: a critical guide for designers, writers, editors and students. 
Author: Lupton, Ellen 
Classification: 655.2 
Barcode: R95414K0084 
Date due: 26/11/2018

Essay - Final feedback

A final tutorial with my tutor on a draft that was almost completed was really useful We sat and spoke about the essay section by section on ways to ensure that I was directly linking everything that I was saying to the essay question. The need to turn the title into a question became apparent and rather than working from a statement, I am now at a point where a question can really be developed to ensure that the content is very focused and all appropriate. 

I used the comment feature on Microsoft word so that as we sat and went through it section by section, I could make note of everything that we discussed, ensuring that the tutorial was put to best use in order to improve the essay ready for print. I found it really useful to sit and discuss the different sections with my tutor because it made it clear if I was not hitting the exact point I wanted to if someone else didn't fully understand what I was meaning to say. 

I can now take these comments and continue to develop my final dissertation. 

Ethical considerations

As part of the module, I was made more aware about the ethical considerations that are needed when conducting primary research. I considered the ethics that should be involved when interviewing someone, so began to look over the Universities policy on ethical proceeds. The interview that I did with the designer Eike Koenig was email based and by receiving a reply, I am able to assume that the participant agrees to the information being part of the magazine content. 

The form provided also states that the participants who are involved in the research must fill out the form, but as this isn't for research and is for the magazine content itself, the form becomes irrelevant as the designer was no longer participant and actually just a contributor. 

Magazine - Test Run + feedback

As I was printing externally, I did not need to mock the magazine up to check the production methods but the content and overall design quality did need to be checked in order to ensure that when sent off to the printing company it would work as intended. I printed it out to scale, just not full bleed so that I could get peers to help me go through and find anything that needed to be changed. 

I first got someone to proof read all of the writing as with a fresh set of eyes, more would be picked up. Here are some examples of what was found to be changed:

I then got together a group of peers to each go through the magazine and see if there were any design changes that they would personally make. They were marked on the printed mock up so that I could go through and have record of them all to change my design on InDesign. Here are some of the changes that were noted: