Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Magazine - Test Run + feedback

As I was printing externally, I did not need to mock the magazine up to check the production methods but the content and overall design quality did need to be checked in order to ensure that when sent off to the printing company it would work as intended. I printed it out to scale, just not full bleed so that I could get peers to help me go through and find anything that needed to be changed. 

I first got someone to proof read all of the writing as with a fresh set of eyes, more would be picked up. Here are some examples of what was found to be changed:

I then got together a group of peers to each go through the magazine and see if there were any design changes that they would personally make. They were marked on the printed mock up so that I could go through and have record of them all to change my design on InDesign. Here are some of the changes that were noted: 

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