Monday, 17 December 2018

Magazine - Critique 2

  • title bold but small
  • more about the content
  • call things by project name 
  • image on front 
  • Konig 

Front cover needs to explore the hierarchy more in order to really push the idea that the content is the main focus. Why have a large masculine title as a way of incorporating it when the design decisions are trying to remove the masculine associations. Keep the bold typeface, maybe change it to a middle weight and make it much smaller. The idea of numbering the artists theoretically works, but to tie it in even more with the exploration within the essay it would be more appropriate to have each piece of work labelled by the project title or a little phrase about it. This removes all association to the artist until the end of the magazine. 

Focus on less content but really exploring the design styles more, do not worry about the large amount of design projects as the point is already being made from the work so far. 

The crit allowed me to realise that although the layouts hold associations to the genders, hierarchy could be an important element to consider as a way to really highlight the importance of certain things such as content and the title in comparison to each other. This will inform the next stage of my front cover design and the hierarchy will drive the placement of things. 

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