Monday 24 April 2017

Studio Brief 2: Prototype solutions and feedback

Prototype solutions
The concept is to focus on how Topshop can be suggestive to how the clothes should make you feel rather than look. I have developed 3 prototype solutions all demonstrating the ways in which the brief requirements could be fulfilled. 

Idea 1
Taking away the stigma associated with the size choice of the models that Topshop choose to use in their fashion advertising, this idea replaces the model with a line constructed body. The idea focuses on the uses of line colour to represent the way in which the clothes should make you feel, not look. 

Idea 2
Using a patterned backdrop that suits the style of the company or particular item of clothing, the colour scheme would suggest the feeling that the customer should feel if wearing the clothing. It may be interesting to look at which geometric shapes or patterns could be created with relevance to the company or product. This may be developed by using existing imagery that Topshop use in advertising campaigns, or distortion of the Logotype. Research would need to focus on colour combinations and the connotations that come with them, making sure that they are suggestive of the right moods. 
Idea 3
Typography rather than colour is another option that could be explored to see if it would work effectively to show the intended feelings that Topshop would associate the type of clothing to make you feel. This idea is a much more obvious way to show the way in which the clothing should make you feel. The majority of the research that I did for the essays revealed that it is the design decisions and less obvious elements of the advertising campaigns that are actually seen to be the most damaging to the viewer.

Idea 1
- would be quite hard to be clear about which feelings were trying to be represented if there was only one line colour in the design 
- the use of lines could be seen to be representing a skeletal human form, going against the concept that is trying to be achieved
- it was seen to be a very stylised way to show a deeper concept, making it a design that could be developed well

Idea 2
- the fact that it is the main focus makes it more likely to convey the feelings through the use of colours
- colour schemes would need to be developed, using more than one colour to represent the feelings would make it a strong visual concept
- the development of the geometric pattern would be necessary to ensure that it fitted with Topshop as a whole company
- the distortion and manipulation of the actual Logotype may be the most effective way to build a geometric pattern that could be used as the main visual for the advertising campaign
- the number of colours used would need to be experimented with, ensuring that the message does not get confused or lost if there are too many colours being used

Idea 3
- typeface research would need to be conducted as that could also reflect a particular feeling
- may be hard to develop a consistent design style if the typefaces are changed for every category 
- would need to choose whether it is the typeface that is representing the feeling or the word itself

I have decided to develop solution 2 and 3 as these had the most positive feedback, showing that they could be successful if the research into the concepts was to be continued and refined. Prototype solution 1 was considered an effective idea, but the requirements of this specific brief were that it did not in anyway represent any negative ideas of how the female form should or shouldn’t look in order to wear the clothes in Topshop. Solution 1 could instantly be seen to be promoting the skeletal female form as the most desired way to be wearing the items of clothing. 

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