Wednesday 25 April 2018

Study task 06: Cop3 proposal

- motion graphics
- is it good if it doesn't move?
- less print and more motion
- psychology of technology and how it has influenced our ability to engage in only short bursts
- motion explains and doesn't rely on any effort to work out what is being communicated
- how over time the use of social media has influenced our ability to digest long pieces of information and  now it seems to be going that way with graphics as anything printed/still is expected to have a short motion graphic to quickly explain
- psychology of engagement 
- motion design in advertising as it can help with the explanation of a product, more effectively than a poster campaign series (more approachable and easy to understand)

2. RATIONALE (Why do you want to research this topic? What impact will this have on your practice?)
- enjoy the psychology of why things happen 
- interesting to have watched this develop over the years of doing graphic design (even in such a short space of time)
- technology development interests me and motion graphic is something I would like to include more as part of my practise

3. CONTEXTS (What are the immediate contexts in which your theoretical and practical research will be situated? Political? Social? Technological? Aesthetic? Cultural?)

Technological - motion graphics, the future of advertising 
Social - ability to engage and understand advertisements more so if animated

4. THEORETICAL APPROACH (Identify no more than two potential theories that will help structure your research – must be appropriate to the theme/question)

psychology and psychoanalysis 
- to look at the engagement with motion graphics as apposed to still content in advertising
- can help us to explore human behaviours and motivations. This can be helpful for those who can to explore why or how people react to certain visual stimuli.

- signs etc. used in motion grpahics to explain something quicker and in a more universal language
- science and study of SIGN SYSTEMS (any language including visual languages are seen as sign systems). 
- units of information (broken into signifier and signified) that carry meaning are known as signs –
words, symbols, icons, photographs
- look at methods within advertising 

5. METHODS (Secondary: theorisation, semiotic analysis, textual analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis / Primary: surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations

Semiotic analysis:
A semiotic analysis aims to address the signifying structures that work within a particular text. Using the meta-language of semiotics you will identify important signifiers and consider what functions give them meaning. Do they connote or denote? Do they use metaphor, metonym, synedoche? How do the signifiers work in the context of the text as a whole (semantic and paradigmatically)?

Focus groups:
Study the way in which a group of people interact with the same information and how quickly they understand something, but test if the motion grpahics makes it quicker as opposed to a still poster. 

Content analysis:
Read and analyse lots of articles based on the future of advertising, the use of technology as enhancement etc. 

6. PRACTICAL OUTCOME (what do you plan to produce/develop?)
- an editorial piece focusing on advertising, playing with the idea of how long it is taking someone to understand the book/campaign and contrast this with a short animation with the same content
- the book could be traditionally printed, metaphorically communicate through the use of kerning, letter size, page count etc.
- posters could be released also playing on this idea of attention span by looking at how many words are used and again contrasting with an electronic billboard for example

7. RESOURCES (what resources will you need to access?)
- adobe after effects
- traditional print room
- succesful advert examples 

8. SUMMER READING LIST (find 5 books that you will endeavour to read in preparation for CoP3 - related to either 3 or 4 above)
- Sean Hall – “This means this, that means that”
Motion Graphics in Branding: Sendpoints publish co
- New media interactive advertising vs. traditional advertising (
Creative Advertising: Ideas and Techniques from the World's Best Campaigns: Mario Pricken

9. TIME MANAGEMENT (Plan of actions from now until 14th Dec 2018)
- read and gather as many relevant articles and examples over the next couple of months
- once a large body of research has been established, finalise the question and direction in which this project will go 
- start to think of visual outcomes
- take poster adverts and make into animations to show how something can be more effectively explained and understood 

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