Wednesday 25 April 2018

Visual investigation: Idea development

The chosen idea to go forward with it the one that explores the colour of air pollution through the use of the Pantone colour swatch card. It would be necessary to explore the different ways the issue could be presented, whether that is through what is said on the actual Pantone card itself or the caption that is on the actual campaign. 

The target audience is predominately people who live in the Lambeth/Brixton area or those who visit often as it is an issue that they are either causing or being most effected by. Brixton as an actual location itself is known to be fairly 'on trend' so using something like a Pantone colour swatch is likely to discreetly, but effectively communicate in a way that many will be able to engage with. The campaign will also need to include the visual identity of the Green Party as it is about communicating one of the issues that they are trying to act upon. 

Pantone card design:
For the concept to be accurate and communicate effectively, the audience will need to be able to associate to the Pantone card so that the difference in content (not a colour and instead a disease name) can be identified. Without this connection, the message/issue will be lost and the rest of the campaign will not make sense. In order to ensure that this connection will be made, the exact Pantone design style has been used. The pantone card have a white bottom and use the typeface Helvetica Neue. To get the size proportions of the two lines of text, I used an actual card for reference to ensure it was accurate. 

(The line around the top is a cutting guide as when printed onto acetate this will be removed so that it is clear and without a border/box constraint.)

- CO2
The decision of what to write at the bottom of the card started with the idea of CO2, but when discussing this idea with a group of peers it seemed as though the stating of the actual diseases/health problems that the air pollution can cause would be more effective and shocking once noticed by the audience. The aption that is also on the poster will make it clear that the issue is based on the air pollution problem. 

- White
The bottom of the Pantone swatch card is white across the whole ofthe range that exists. It seemedimportant to keep this as part of this design so that it ensured that the association would be made and the right things would be communicated. 

- Green 
Experimentation explored the different ways I could take this concept and really make it associate with the Green Party. One exampe of this was to have the bottom part of the card green in replacement of the white, which works but if it is green then the accurate association to it being a Pantone colour swatch card may be lost. A slightly more discrete use of the colour green was to have the text at the bottom changed to this colour. This once again was an effect way to incorporate the colour green, but to those not so familiar with a Pantone swatch card may assume that the colour being shown is green instead of the invisibilty of the air pollution in the air. 

Layout scamps: 

Using the branding guideliens as inspiration and guidane I sketched out a series of scamps so that I could consider the different ways in which I could approach the layout of the content that would need to be included on the posters. I have explored the option of having the image as full bleed and also if white space was to be used how it would look. This will also ensure that when photographing in London I will be able to be efficient because all considerations will have already been made. 

Solution if can't visit London:
As the campaign is based on an issue in Brixton, London it required a visit to the area in order to take the pictures using the actual printed swatch. This would be the most effective way to communicate the concept but I had to think of alternative ways of doing it if a trip to London was not possible. I used the design and placed the smart object on an image of a location within Brixton using Adobe Photoshop to experiment with how it could be made to look realistic. 
This is without a hand which does work, but I think it makes it more personal and also easier to understand if someone was to actually hold the Pantone swatch in the location. It would give more context to the idea and demonstrate the lack of colour more. 

The developments have worked well, but by using the computer to show that it is clear a slight contrast to the picture needs to be included, but then this does make it look like there is a colour change, working against what the concept is trying to communicate. 
The first development shows the design overlaid onto the Brixton image with the clear part of the card actually being a white box with a very low opacity. To try to overcome this problem of there being a clear contrast I tried a different effect but that then took the black out of the writing. The final development shows the same idea as the first one but the white box was made into a separate element so that an effect could be added to just this and the bottom part of the card would appear as designed. 

Photography planning and considerations:
Once the Pantone colour swatches have been printed onto the acetate, the way in which I will photograph it needs to be taken into consideration. For a campaign design, all of the photography must be consistent, just like the visual identity of the actual party.  

As the surface of the acetate is shiny, it may cause a sunlight glare to occur when photographed or when the flash is n use. To avoid this, the camera will be set to no flash and if any light glaring does occur it will need to be removed using Adobe Photoshop. I will not be able to take accurate photos and hold the Pantone Swatch, so will need to have an assistant to hold it. The assistant will need to be wearing neutral clothing and have nothing on their hands such as jewellery or nail varnish. I will also have to consider the depth of field used on the camera as it is important that the Pantone swatch is the main element in focus, but the location is also of importance. I plan to have the focus on the Pantone swatch and then a slight blur to the location element to the overall photo. 

The next step will be to research the popular locations of Brixton as aesthetic/popularity contrasting with the negative message will really emphasise the danger of air pollution. 

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