Tuesday 24 April 2018

Visual investigation: Visual research and feedback

The first presentation of the idea, research and potential routes that could be taken was very useful for me to allow myself time to really think about the important pieces of information that I have collected and also to ensure that the direction I wanted to take would work effectively. I presented the visual research on a presentation so that the whole of the process could be understood by the group. 

The issue to campaign for:
The Green Party branding guidelines:
The branding guidelines show that a number of outcomes are designed as part of every campaign that as a party they release. The visuals for the party are very visually identifiable and will be associated with the Green Party by a large target audience. In order to reach the issue to a larger target audience than just the Green Party followers than an alternative approach within the outcomes may need to be used. A poster that has the logo very discretely in the corner for instance may be more appropriate when placing the campaign within areas of high Conservative or Labour members. 

Visual literacy:
I focused the research to look for existing pollution campaigns that base the visuals on real life objects, locations and scenarios. This seemed to be the most popular approach and in my opinion the most powerful and suitable for the issue I will be designing for. 

If it was to be focused on children:
One of the main negative effects that the pollution is having is on children, reducing their lung functioning in adulthood. The visuals shows children's toys which could be manipulated to have the 'soot' from the pollution smeared over it, saying something like ' you wouldn't let your child drink from this would you', 'why let them breathe that in?' 

All of the above visual literacy show the style that I want to aim for, the use of everyday objects and locations to try and grab the attention of the audience in a way that they can associate their lives with. It would be good to develop an idea that very simply shows that the pollution is invisible, but is slowly killing the population. 

Start by following the branding strategies as planned and create a body of work as if I was designing for the Green party.

Which aspects are feeding into the air pollution the most and then this can become the focus of the campaign as they are clearly the issues that if sorted out will have the most influence on the overall lowering of air pollution within London. 

Research into broader public awareness campaigns throughout the design process so that their strategies can be evaluated and taken into consideration. 

Is the big and bold branding guidelines going to effectively share the message to those that are not followers of the Green party. Could produce a body of work where some of it uses a more discrete approach with the logo much smaller etc. these pieces of work can then be put up in areas of particularly high conservative or labour followers etc. The visuals will match the rest of the campaign work and if researched into it would all come up as a body of work, but may be more effective at sharing this message. 

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