Saturday 15 December 2018

COP3 Pre-submission briefing

Essay formatting
12 pt Arial 
1.5 line spacing 
Left margin 2.5 cm
Right margin 2 cm
Numbered pages, single sided
Harvard referencing throughout 
5000 words

Front title page
Contents Page
- intro
- main text
- conclusion
List of illustrations
- where images are from
- fig.1 url
- images come after the main text
Main text
- fig.1 and caption
Bibliography in A-Z format
- raw data
- interviews
- surveys
- anything you have done yourself (Glug talk)

(Introduction on one page, then main text, the conclusion on another page with subheading) 

Use template on e-studio for the front page

Print + copy bureau reception 
level 6 (Ground floor)
Roger Stevens Building
University of Leeds
Opening times: 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
£6.50 by Friday 14th December
Order form on e-studio and take with essay
1 copy

Write a statement on ethics on the blog in regards to research 

Submissions evidence: 
- blog PDF uploaded to e-studio
- 5000 word essay printed and bound
- practical outcome and 6x design boards printed on A3
- project statement printed on A4
- submission label 

Project statement:
Outline exactly how your theoretical work links with and informs your practical investigation. 
Do not obviously describe what you have done, examine how the essay relates to the practical work. Look at the theoretical approaches, context and why it is important. It could be a critical appraisal of the project explaining and justifying your approach, reflecting on your process, restating your conclusions and carefully considering what you could have done to improve the project. 

(If someone read this they would know what you have done)

Tuesday 18th December 2018
1:30-3:00 pm
Room 134

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