Saturday 15 December 2018

Essay - Primary research - Glug Xibit #16

I attended the Glug Leeds Xibit #16 and designer Oli Bentley started to talk about his most recent project and then touched upon the fact that he had experienced imposter syndrome. I voice recorded the whole speech and was able to take a quote from it that would link very well in my essay. The essay although it is about women, it is important to consider that fact that men also experience similar things to them and then it was interesting to explore editorials influence. 

'I have learnt that I suffer from imposter syndrome more than i actually ever realised, in doing this and that i have a sheer terror that I was going off on this limb and people would make jokes because i was spending 5 years looking at Northern identity, going what the hell was I doing with my life. In the end some people got it a took it for what it was meant to be. I have learnt that I should be less scared about putting myself out there. '

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