Wednesday 5 December 2018

Essay - Individualism vs. collectivism

Individualism vs. collectivism

Individualism = each individual is acting on his or her own, making their own choices, and to the extent they interact with the rest of the group.

Collectivism = the group is seen to be the important element, and individuals are just members of the group. The group has its own values somehow different from those of the individual members. The group thinks its own thoughts and the group is judged as a whole and everyone within are just members rather than individuals.

Why do people accept collectivism? Nobody is truly individual, most of what you know is learnt from other people. An example is racism, the view that a race of people is basically the same.

Matching individualism-collectivism differences in cultures

An individualistic person may find individualistic messages to be more persuasive than collectivistic messages, and vice versa. Persuasion is important because the main goal of an advertisement is to change customers’ attitudes and convince them to buy particular products. The global market has meant that international advertising has become a critical part of marketing and understanding advertising for markets situated in different cultural contexts is therefore increasingly important.

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