Monday 17 December 2018

Time planning

I used a number of techniques to manage my time effectively and also be productive when I did plan to work on certain parts of the project. 

The first thing I did at the start of the University year was to regulate my bedtime so that I would get enough sleep and also start the day early. This would allow me to either have breakfast early and get out, go to the gym or do some work before I properly start my day. This has been challenging as it cannot be maintained every day for instance if I have a social event or a day that is not a scheduled uni day. 3rd year leaves us with more time than in the previous years, so this did help to ensure that even on the days not in the studio I was still being productive and managing to get work done.

I then used google calendar to mark in personal deadlines and also ensure that I knew what I wanted to achieve throughout the week. Although this will change week by week, this is an example of how I might go about planning my week and ensuring that I ave enough time to go to the gym as well as getting all of the different projects done. 

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