Saturday 15 December 2018

Essay - Draft 2

In order to ensure that I was answering the question and sticking to each point, I decided to write a sentence for each point that summarised what i wanted to say. This allowed me to continuously refer to this during the section to make sure that I was only including content that was relevant. Draft 3 shows the addition of the other sections of the essay and a nearly completed version of the essay. The comments feature on word worked well to add notes for myself and then also the notes from the feedback in the tutorials.The main thing that I learnt from the tutorial was that the essay read as though I was rushing onto the next point. I needed to work on summarising the sections and gradually introducing the next point. Triangulation was working well and there was a lot of cross referencing throughout the essay but to improve, the quotes need to be shortened when repeated as the reader is already aware of the full quote. This will allow me to refer back to a much larger amount of quotes but without having to write the whole thing out. 


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