Tuesday 18 December 2018

Essay - Final feedback

A final tutorial with my tutor on a draft that was almost completed was really useful We sat and spoke about the essay section by section on ways to ensure that I was directly linking everything that I was saying to the essay question. The need to turn the title into a question became apparent and rather than working from a statement, I am now at a point where a question can really be developed to ensure that the content is very focused and all appropriate. 

I used the comment feature on Microsoft word so that as we sat and went through it section by section, I could make note of everything that we discussed, ensuring that the tutorial was put to best use in order to improve the essay ready for print. I found it really useful to sit and discuss the different sections with my tutor because it made it clear if I was not hitting the exact point I wanted to if someone else didn't fully understand what I was meaning to say. 

I can now take these comments and continue to develop my final dissertation. 

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